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Striper Fishing 4-27-15

We went out last night to do some land based Striper fishing because it was a little bit to windy to do a striper fishing charter on the boat. We headed to a couple local areas where we knew the Stripers would be inshore. The first location that we fished produced many Striper with decent size and numbers. The Stripers were sitting along bridges waiting for bait fish to swim past where they could ambush and get an easy meal. We use the same concept when we are running a Striper fishing Charters fishing along bridges most commonly the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and structures where the Stripers can ambush bait fish. The most common kinds of bait fish that the stripers are feeding on this time of year are MenhadenGrass shrimp, and Hickory Shad. This time of year is one of the best for catching Stripers because as the bigger Stripers move into the Chesapeake Bay to spawn they are extremely hungry and aggressive. When Striper fishing keep in mind that they eat a variety of different size bait fish. If you plan to go Striper fishing keep very big lures all the way down to very small lures every night if different when targeting them.When we are running Striper fishing charters our most common lures we throw range in size from 4 inches made by Guides Secret up to 10 inches. Night time is the best time for Striper fishing this time of year and usually the only time we will run a Striper fishing charters because like most fish these are ambush predators. A majority of Stripers move inshore as it becomes darker because a lot of bait fish swim into the shallow water for safety at night. We are always sure to use proper equipment when we have Striper fishing charters  because this time of year you never know when a big Striper is going to take the bait. On our Striper fishing charters we use Shimano RodsSatlist Spinner Reels50lb Power Pro Braided line, and 50lb Ande leader line. Small stripers all the way to giant stripers feed off the same bait so we don’t ever underestimate what could be eating your lure next! If you use some of these techniques when Striper fishing it will greatly increase your odds of getting onto some awesome Striper action. Here are some pictures from our previous Striper fishing trip. To view other some more pictures of Stripers from previous trips Click Here!

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